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The  SVP Iridium Drifter is an innovative addition to the spherical drifter family. The SVP Iridium ® drifter has been designed and thoroughly tested to track ocean current and provide environmental data at a designated depth beneath the ocean surface.


The drifter is truly unique. The buoy utilizes the dependable bi-directional Iridium ® satellite system to communicate and to transmit essential scientific data. Iridium ® telemetry is the most cost effective means of transmitting data for environmental applications. The SVP Iridium ® drifter is also remarkably versatile.


Additional sensor options are available, which included: air pressure (BP), salinity (CT) and GPS positioning.

CODE/DAVIS drifter

The CODE/DAVIS drifter has been designed and tested to meet the performance criteria of the CODE (Coastal Ocean Dynamics Experiment) drifter developed by Dr. Russ Davis of SIO.


The CODE/DAVIS drifter is an inexpensive solution to acquire coastal and esturarian water currents within a meter of the water surface. Utilized by the oceanographic and metrological community, the robust design allows for easy ship deployment.


The CODE/ DAVIS drifter is equipped with a sea surface temperature senor, GPS receiver and the option of either Iridium® or ARGOS based satellite telemetry. The drifters operating life is between 3-12 months depending on the required rate of transmission. Infinity Suite of NOVATECH Products

SVP Iridium Drifter 

POPS - Polar Ocean Profiling Systems

MetOcean Telematics designed the Polar Ocean Profiling System (POPS) for deployment in the harsh Arctic climate. POPS is an advanced-generation payload for ice platforms.


The POPS platform provides meteorological and oceanographic subsurface data, transmitted via Iridium telemetry (RUDICS). The system consists of five major elements: system controller (CPU), ice platform, meteorological sensors, Iridium data telemetry, and GPS. In addition, POPS includes a subsurface CTD vertical profiling system (NOVA).


The CPU manages all data acquisition, processing, formatting, and messaging. The CPU has been adapted from the highly successful Iridium reporting drifting buoy family of products. The system features a waterproof communication port for easy configuration and verification. The platform power supply consists of two TADIRAN lithium packs for long-term deployment.


The subsurface NOVA profiler is mounted on a 3/16 inch diameter NILSPIN oceanographic cable. The cable is interfaced to the platform using shackles. The inductive modem ground plane is located on the top plate of the platform, and signals are passed to the POPS CPU using a waterproof connector.


The PABLO [Profiling Acoustic Buoyant Langrangian Observing System] is a Iridium ® profiling acoustic float is designed and tested to measure environmental acoustic ambient noise in order to detect the presence of marine mammals and to assess the impact of noise pollution. In addition, it can be used to detect subsurface assets and for military applications.


PABLO gathers acoustic profiles for the purpose of analyzing sound propagation in the top 1,000m of the ocean. Configured to collect data on a daily basis, PABLO has a long mission life, operating for close to a year while performing 300 profiles called acoustic window cycles.

The Infinity Suite of NOVATECH Products

NOVATECH ™ products have been proven throughout the world’s oceans and trusted around the globe for over 40 years.


The Infinity suite is NOVATECH’s next-generation of Tracking & Monitoring products.


Featuring Iridium ® Satellite Beacons, VHF Radio Beacons and LED Flashers, the Infinity suite is rated for full ocean depth (12,000m). They provide peace of mind for those expectedand unexpected—asset recoveries.


The possibilities are truly infinite when you choose NOVATECH ™ .

Beacon Brochure
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